Pancakes to pyramids report for World Bank Group


Reporting on urban growth


Pancakes to pyramids is a fascinating study of the physical manifestations of city development. Cities are economic and social microcosms in which thousands (or millions) of people and firms interact and these interactions shape a city’s growth along three margins: Horizontal spread, Infill development and Vertical layering.

Standing out

We worked with the authors at World Bank Group to create an engaging ‘stand-out’ report on what drives the shape of cities and what actions policy-makers can take to guide their growth. We matched the World Bank photography with a bold headline font and colour palette. Infographics by US designer Juan Velasco.

“How can today’s low- and lower-middle-income cities plan for growth and development tomorrow? What should leaders do to now to put these cities on a livable, sustainable path, averting a future of sprawl and smog?”

Pancakes to pyramids – City form to promote sustainable growth, World Bank Group


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