THE global trade report working harder


The International Chamber of Commerce Global Survey on Trade Finance. A more readable 10th edition – design and editorial working hand-in-hand


Our brief was to evolve the International Chamber of Commerce Global Survey on Trade Finance.
To improve the communication of its key findings and contributions.
To appeal to its audience and their reading habits.
To support its position as an unparalleled insight into the global trade finance industry.

More dynamic messaging and visual impact.

For the 10th edition, the skim-read was made more impactful. Punchy headlines to sections and to tables were written that captured news value and outcomes from report and highlight throughout. Introductions were written to stand out and aid the reader’s understanding of the reports before they delved in.

Improved on-screen reading experience. Improved print-out format

As a pdf the layout had to work hard on-screen, especially when it was being read on smaller devices.
It also had to work just as well as a printed document, even from a domestic printer.

“Knowing the project and the organisation, Zephyr was the ideal partner in guiding and implementing the design evolution of this historic 10th edition of our report. Their experience, vision and diligence was key in making the publication become even more of a great read, visually and content-wise, both on screen and on paper.”

Doina Buruiana, Project Manager, Banking Commission, International Chamber of Commerce

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